AJ's Blog living a Wizards daily life

I'm 19 and I don't know how to live my life

Lost wizard

Hell-o mofo’s,

It’s been 4 months since I last posted. I think. To the 2 people who read this, thank you! Where have I been? I’m not sure. Or I’m too embarrassed to say. A few months ago, I went on a trip to Mexico. It was super fun, and I took a BUNCH of cool photos. I was excited to share them with you, but I couldn’t figure out how to do that. I know what you’re thinking, “Can’t you just take them from your files and put them on the blog?” NO! I tried doing that, but it didn’t work. To create this blog, I followed an 8ish-year-old YouTube video. The website has had some upgrades, and I can’t figure out how to upload photos. I’m not sure what I did last time. ANYWAYSSSSSS! Papa Wizard is back and hopefully, I’ll be posting more. Tonight, I’m going to watch a movie. Scarface or the notebook. I’m not sure yet. My favorite band is still the Beatles. My favorite Beatles is George Harrison. People glazed up his debut album “All Things Must Pass” and it is good, but I like “Living in the Material World” wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy more. My favorite songs on the album are “The Light That Has Lighted the World” and “Don’t Let Me Wait Too Long”. Let me ask you a question. What type of person are you? When you listen to music, what stands out more? The lyrics or the instruments. For me, it’s different for different songs. When I listen to the Beatles, it’s more toward the lyrics, but when I listen to something like “Denize Rei” or “Youth Rhapsody” I listen to the instrumentals. I’m yapping. That’s it for now. Goodbye lil bro.